1 inconsistency - Failed db verification

Have a non-stop error, after Verify and Repair that indicates 1 inconsistency. Does not Repair. Updated index items, optimized db, Closed and opened the db but V&P keeps showing 1 inconsistency. After closing and opening DT3 then the log shows a failed db verification but it does not Reveal or Show in Finder. Any suggestions?

A screenshot of the alert of File > Verify & Repair Database… would be useful.

Is there anything in DEVONthink’s trash currently?

It is currently empty.

What’s inside the database? E.g. are there any duplicate Bookends/Evernote groups?

Bookends/Evernote groups = none
Standard web pages, pdfs, rtf, pages, etc.

Prior to verifying I was organizing Tags. In the Tags area there was one Group that I did not want there, so I dragged it from the Tags section to the Groups section. I did this 2x and it remained in the Tags section, so I realized that this was not accomplishing the removal from the Tags section. Then I selected Get Info and Excluded it from Classification, which is what I should have done first. Done with organizing Tags I noticed in the Groups area the now there were 3 versions of the same folder. So I Trashed 2 versions, keeping 1, Emptied Trash. Ran the Update Index, Optimize and Verify. That is when I obtained the error. I have been running Verify often so I know that prior to messing with the Tags I did not have this Inconsistency.

. In the Tags area there was one Group that I did not want there

  • Was it a group or a tag ?

Moving a tag from the Tags group into the database should convert it to an ordinary group with it’s contents as replicants (confirmed behavior here).

  • Where is the database located - the file path on the machine?

It was a Group shown within the Tag section. Once I Excluded it from Classification it was removed from the Tag section, only leaving it in the Group section.

Users > Username > Databases > Syncstore folder > database

Rebuilding the database (see File > Rebuild Database…) should fix the issue.

Figured that we were headed there but I wanted to first confirm. Thank you for your attention to this matter.