167 failures after repair


I’ve made Tools > Verify & Repair. A dialogue box of DTPO tells me, that 167 failures have occurred.

Where can I see these 167 failures?

Thanks in advance for your support! Kind regards, Friedrich

Missing files are logged to the Windows > Log panel, all other issues can’t be displayed but should be repairable.

I suggest refreshing all of your indexed groups before running Verify & Repair. V&R does not update indices and will falsely report items are “missing” when the case is merely that documents in the indexed folders have merely moved. Refreshing indices before V&R saves a lot of time troubleshooting.

Thanks a lot! Now V&R has found only just one orphaned file. But if I search for this file by Alt+Cmd+F DTPO does not find this file. Why?

Where is the parent file of this orphaned file?

Thanks in advance for your support! Kind regards, Friedrich

If V&R says there is an orphaned file, and you told V&R to repair it, then it should appear in a group named “Orphaned Files” at the root level of the database.