3 Way Split View?

First off I’d just like to say that I’ve been using DevonThink PE for a couple of weeks now and the more I use it the more I appreciate how powerful it is.

Thank you.

That aside, here’s a small request that you may want to consider.

At the moment I’m using DT to organise and store art images (lots of them) and use the comments pane of the info pallet to store the name of the work, the artist’s name, the dimensions of the piece, the technique used, collection data and specific notes related to the piece.

As I browse the database in regular split view I have this pallet constantly open on the right side of the screen in order to know what I am looking at.

I would welcome an added view – a ‘3 way split view’ with the comments available in the third ‘split’ (and the image auto-scaling to fit in the second ‘split’) I believe this would be a great boon to users navigating graphic databases but can also image it would be useful to those who regularly annotate the texts of others.

Thanks again for a great piece of software.

– Paul

Version 1.7.x (not v1.7 which will be released next week) will show comments in all views. Actually this won’t be a "3 way split view" but probably what you’re looking for anyway.

More generally, I’m also keen to exploit DEVONthink’s potential for handling images. It has obviously been designed with such capacities in mind, and mention has been made of future features such as metadata and Image Capture integration, which I hope will remain on the agenda. 8)

They remain on the agenda  :)  But the agenda is getting bigger every day and priorities are based on user feedback.

OK! Throw my user feedback into the pot then in favor of added abilities to work with graphic materials. I have not looked into your capabilities of this type too far, but get the impression that you can put graphic images into the database, but the ability to document those images is quite limited. Is that right?

Also with pdf’s. The text imports easily enough, but not the pictures that might be included. Is that right?

These are both things that I would like to see improved on.


  1. It’s possible to enter comments but this will be much easier with the upcoming revised views including a comments field.

  2. You can either convert the PDF documents to plain/rich text (without images) while importing or afterwards or leave them unmodified (either referenced or copied to the database). In that case concordance, search etc. work too, an additional thumbnail is created and you can view the PDF document inside DEVONthink of course.