A group merge view would be handy

@pete31 Quick update: I found what was causing this and have successfully worked around it now.

I was using A1, A2, A3,… up to double-digits in my custom metadata field to sort items, so at some point there is A11, A25 etc. DevonThink displays items with the above values in this order:

The order in the transclusion follows a slightly different logic. For the values above, they would be displayed like this:

  • A1
  • A11
  • A2
  • A25
  • A3

With this knowledge, I simply switched to using 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2C etc. to order and group items. As said, it’s easy to address this, and maybe pointing it out helps someone.

Pete, I now officially declare your script as the unexpectedly perfect solution to what I was trying to accomplish. Again, truly appreciate it.

I used the wrong method. It’s localizedStandardCompare instead of localizedCompare.

Updated the Script Library handler.

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This script creates/updates a Transclusion record for the group’s supported records and selects or opens it in a new window.

Supported file types

  • Markdown
  • Text
  • HTML
  • RTF
  • RTFD
  • Formatted Note
  • Webarchive
  • Sheet

From help:

Attaching a triggered script

  • Select the item you want to attach a script to.
  • Select Tools > Get Info or Tools > Inspectors > Generic.
  • Click the down arrow next to Script and choose Select. Note the script can be located anywhere, but it must remain in that location for the script to trigger. For convenience, you can create a folder for them in ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.devon-technologies.think3/Menus.
-- Triggered script - Create transclusion for current group's supported records

-- Setup: Click "script" in a group's info inspecton . Select path

property selectTransclusionRecord : true -- if false Transclusion record opens in a new window

on triggered(theGroup)
	tell application id "DNtp"
			set theResults to search "kind:markdown comment:\"Transcluded group contents\"" in theGroup
			if theResults ≠ {} then
				set theTransclusionRecord to item 1 of theResults
				set theTransclusionRecord to create record with {name:"_Transclusion - " & (name of theGroup), type:markdown, source:"", comment:"Transcluded group contents"} in theGroup
			end if
			set theChildren_ReferenceURLs to reference URL of children of theGroup whose type = markdown or type = txt or type = html or type = rtf or type = rtfd or type = formatted note or type = webarchive or type = sheet and comment is not "Transcluded group contents"
			if theChildren_ReferenceURLs = {} then error "This group doesn't contain Markdown records"
			set theTransclusionRecord_Source to "{{" & my tid(theChildren_ReferenceURLs, "}}" & linefeed & "{{") & "}}"
			set plain text of theTransclusionRecord to theTransclusionRecord_Source
			if selectTransclusionRecord then
				set selection of think window 1 to {theTransclusionRecord}
				open window for record theTransclusionRecord
			end if
		on error error_message number error_number
			if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
		end try
	end tell
end triggered

on tid(theInput, theDelimiter)
	set d to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
	if class of theInput = text then
		set theOutput to text items of theInput
	else if class of theInput = list then
		set theOutput to theInput as text
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
	return theOutput
end tid

Wow - very cool - will try when I can get the work day to settle down. It’s off with a vengeance this morning.

Hey @pete31, quick question:
I was wondering if it’s theoretically possible to modify the smart rule script such that it also transcludes items contained in subgroups of the group, on which the script is run?
Any hints in this direction would be greatly appreciated.

What are you trying to accomplish?

I’m using the smart rule script from this post to automatically transclude Markdown items contained in a set of groups. For each group, the script creates a transclusion document.

While the script does this perfectly for those items contained directly in the group being processed, it doesn’t transclude items contained in subgroups of the group.

If it did, this would further increase the script’s value for my use case. This is because the transclusions serve as a review document and logically, items in subgroups also need to be reviewed.

for my use case.

Which is what?
I’m curious as to what you’re actually reviewing.

My workflow aims to extract insights from various sources, cross-links them and then classifies them under relevant tag groups in a nested hierarchy.

To ensure retention, I review the most important topics regularly. This includes having them read via text-to-speech while on the go. The contents of these reviews are topic-specific and wide-ranging.

You can add a smart rule, which will be global, to set a tag on search results. For instance, search for all documents of kind Markdown in one or more group trees. Apply the action to add a tag, and run the rule on demand.

Apply the rule from the gear menu at the bottom of the sidebar.

Set the transclusion script on the tag your smart rule adds.

When you double click the tag, you’ll see the transclusion file appear. It will physically get stored in the inbox.

Not a direct solution, but perhaps a workaround?

Thanks for your input. This might be an approach, although it would require setting up a smart rule individually for every group to be transcluded. This means a lot of setup considering the number of groups in my database, but more importantly also regular manual maintenance.

The beauty of the smart rule script is that it’s a single smart rule that processes an unlimited number of groups and ensures there is always a current summary available. Literally no maintenance at all required.

Yes, it’s possible. You need to recursively get each subgroups’ children.

Ah, thanks for the hint.

Would you be able to share the general syntax for getting the subgroups’ children? I spent a couple hours last night trying different approaches to make it work but didn’t succeed. This is stretching my AppleScript knowledge way beyond comfort zone :sweat_smile: :innocent:

Better late than never :wink:

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I can’t answer for @pete31, of course. But I can try to illustrate what they meant by “You need to recursively get each subgroup’s childen” in a JavaScript snippet – AppleScript is outside of my comfort zone, but I’m sure you get the gist:

const allChildren = [];
function getChildrenOfGroup(g) {
  /* g must be a group. Loop over all its children */
  g.children().forEach((c) => {
    if (c.type() === "group") {
      /* The current child is a group -> call this function again to get all its children */
     /* if you want to _keep_ all groups, too, add this child to the allChildren list 
       before calling      getChildrenOf Group again */
    } else {
     /* The current child is no group -> append it to the list of children */

Now, you can of course write any recursive function non-recursively, so it’s not necessary to do it as I did here.

The idea of a recursive function is that it calls itself until there’s nothing more to act upon. Like here: It calls itself for every group it encounters and only copies the non-groups to a global array (which is probably not a good design choice, but given my comfort zone …).

There’s a bunch of explanations about recursion out there. Wikipedia and your favorite search engine probably tell you more about them than you ever wanted to know.


Thanks for the explanation @chrillek.

I do understand the concept of a recursive function and this helped to reinforce it.

The issue is that the script is relatively complex as-is and the output would need to - in addition - consider the transclusions of items in the main group as well as those from the subgroups (after recursively processing all contained items for each) and then combine everything into a single output file. I need to get a more solid understanding of AppleScript fundamentals before I can do all that on my own.

Since my tongue-in-cheek comment on this being outside my “comfort zone” has been repeatedly referenced in subsequent responses: I meant that it’s beyond my current capabilities after investing 3 hours and really trying everything I can think of trial-and-error style, not that I’m unwilling to try myself because it seems difficult.

No worries :slight_smile:

(If you could specify where you’re stuck other users are probably happy to take a look.)

This is the current iteration of the script. It doesn’t produce errors in DT or script editor but also doesn’t create a transclusion item.

-- Smart Rule script - Create or update transclusion record
on performSmartRule(theGroups)
	tell application id "DNtp"
			repeat with thisGroup in theGroups
				set thesubGroups to (children of thisGroup whose type = group)
				set theDirectChildren to (children of thisGroup whose type = markdown and comment is not "Transcluded group contents" and name does not contain "auto-transclusion")
				if theDirectChildren ≠ {} then
					set theListDirectChildren to {}
					repeat with thisChild in theDirectChildren
							set thisChild_CustomMetaData to custom meta data of thisChild
							set thisChild_CustomMetaData_Value to mdinsight_relations of thisChild_CustomMetaData -- replace mddescription with "md" + your identifier (see Preferences > Data)
						on error
							set thisChild_CustomMetaData_Value to ""
						end try
						set end of theListDirectChildren to {|SortBy|:thisChild_CustomMetaData_Value, |RefURL|:(reference URL of thisChild), |NameWithoutExtension|:(name without extension of thisChild)}
					end repeat
				end if
			end repeat
			repeat with thisGroup in thesubGroups
				set theSubgroupChildren to (children of thisGroup whose type = markdown and comment is not "Transcluded group contents" and name does not contain "auto-transclusion")
				if theSubgroupChildren ≠ {} then
					set theListSubgroupChildren to {}
					repeat with thisChild in theSubgroupChildren
							set thisChild_CustomMetaData to custom meta data of thisChild
							set thisChild_CustomMetaData_Value to mdinsight_relations of thisChild_CustomMetaData -- replace mddescription with "md" + your identifier (see Preferences > Data)
						on error
							set thisChild_CustomMetaData_Value to ""
						end try
						set end of theListSubgroupChildren to {|SortBy|:thisChild_CustomMetaData_Value, |RefURL|:(reference URL of thisChild), |NameWithoutExtension|:(name without extension of thisChild)}
					end repeat
				end if
			end repeat
			set theList to (theListSubgroupChildren & theListDirectChildren)
			set theList_sorted to script "AutoTransclusion_Script Library"'s sortedArrayUsingDescriptors(theList, true) -- replace TEST with your Script Library's name
			set theResults to search "kind:markdown comment:\"Transcluded group contents\"" in thisGroup
			if theResults ≠ {} then
				set theTransclusionRecord to item 1 of theResults
				set theTransclusionRecord to create record with {name:(name of thisGroup) & " Auto-Transclusion", type:markdown, source:"", comment:"Transcluded group contents"} in thisGroup
			end if
			set theTransclusionRecord_Source_list to {}
			repeat with i from 1 to (count of theList_sorted)
				set end of theTransclusionRecord_Source_list to linefeed & linefeed & "<br>" & linefeed & "## " & (|NameWithoutExtension| of item i of theList_sorted) & ":" & linefeed & linefeed & "{{" & (|RefURL| of item i of theList_sorted) & "}}"
			end repeat
			set theTransclusionRecord_Source to my tid(theTransclusionRecord_Source_list, linefeed & linefeed & linefeed)
			set plain text of theTransclusionRecord to theTransclusionRecord_Source
		on error error_message number error_number
			if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
		end try
	end tell
end performSmartRule

on tid(theInput, theDelimiter)
	set d to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
	if class of theInput = text then
		set theOutput to text items of theInput
	else if class of theInput = list then
		set theOutput to theInput as text
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
	return theOutput
end tid

You define a variable setSubGroups inside your first loop exactly count of theGroups times without using it even once. Instead, you use it in the next repeat loop.

I suggest to first clean up the repetitive stuff, i.e. move it into subroutines (“handlers” in AppleScript lingo, I think). And then rewrite your first repeat loop as a recursive function that

  • calls itself for all elements of thesubGroups (what’s the difference between thesomething and thissomething, anyway? And why is it not theSubGroups?)
  • does all this magical stuff with user custom metadata (there’s BTW a method to retrieve the value of those – easier than the longish thisChild_CustomMetadata_Value armageddon) for non-group children and appends the new object to theList.

This has nothing to do with the transclusion thingies or what not: All that happens well after you’ve build your theListSubgroupChildren and theListDirectChildren and merged them into a simple theList. That’s exactly what the sketchy function below does: it assembles the data in myData for later use.

const myData = [];
function handleGroup(group) {
    const children = children of g;
    children.forEach(c => {
    if (c is a group) {
   } else {
    md = handleMetaData(c);
    myData.push({sortBy: md.something, RefURL: c.referenceURL(), name: c.nameWithoutExtension()})
/* Do some more magic with myData */

This is no real code It’s just meant to illustrate how you might go about it. Although the AppleScript version is probably a bit more convoluted, it’ll certainly look very similar.

Evangelism below

Not to discourage you, but in my mind trying to go about this with all these overly long variable names and utterly broken string manipulations is not making things any easier. They are all distracting from the main tasks at hand.

If you really want to learn a programming language (one that has defined syntax that is) I’d suggest to look elsewhere.

set theList_sorted to script "AutoTransclusion_Script Library"'s sortedArrayUsingDescriptors(theList, true) -- replace TEST with your Script Library's name

then becomes

const sortedList = list.sort((a,b) => {a.sortBy - b.sortBy});

and doesn’t need an external library. And

repeat with i from 1 to (count of theList_sorted)
set end of theTransclusionRecord_Source_list to linefeed & linefeed & "<br>" & linefeed & "## " & (|NameWithoutExtension| of item i of theList_sorted) & ":" & linefeed & linefeed & "{{" & (|RefURL| of item i of theList_sorted) & "}}"
end repeat


sortedList.forEach(el => {
  recordSource.push(`\n\n<br>\n## ${el.name)}:\n\n{{${el.RefURL}}}`)

Of course, you’re trading in the, this, those, set to and get from for {}[]( and ), but it’s till a lot less typing.

This is a great opportunity for me to dig into AppleScript (or perhaps Javascript) at a time where I can really dedicate myself to it, which is not right now. Based on your feedback @chrillek there’s a good starting point to work from when that time comes - thanks.

For now, I managed to come up with an ultra-hacky workaround using several smart rules that get triggered in a sequence through keyboard maestro. The approach uses the script as-is to transclude any transclusion documents within (subgroups of) a parent group into a new combined transclusion document. This addresses my use case with the caveat that it requires setting up a new smart rule for each group that needs to be reviewed. It’s a satisfactory solution, just not as scalable as I’d like.