Accessing files directly - not via DT3

No, as long as you don’t write the novel in Python.

If you don’t know it already take a look at BBEdit for Writers: A Guide and Appreciation.

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I’m not seeing this issue here.
The file is opening in PowerPoint wiht no warning.
Is this an indexed file?

Thanks for that link, Pete.

I’m not sure what you mean about not writing a novel in Python. I’ve got a great opening.

it = Diurnal(localEarthPhase = NIGHT, precipitation = HEAVY)
assert it.dark == True
assert it.stormy == True

I think Bulwer-Lytton would approve.


No, it’s a file I saved to the Inbox and then opened from recent files in PPT. I’ll move the file out of DT3 make some changes and re-add - I’ll let you know if it re-occurs.

Thanks for that glimpse into the literary prowess of your favorite programming language!

Since I’m currently (kind of) struggling with it: Can you suggest a tool that permits writing natural language and code in a programming language (not necessarily Python) easily (preferably in Markdown)? I find that whatever I’m using is always lacking in some aspect.

Hey, Chrillek,

I’m not well-versed in natural language systems. Applescript is intended to be at least somewhat conversational, “tell application dtpro…”

SQL, limited to communicating with databases, is also sort of natural. “Select glassesthickness from nerds where geekfactor is ‘high’”.

The greatest natural language tools are sadly neglected. Comments are too often sparse. I’ve never worked on a project where internal documentation got the attention it deserved.

Agile is the watchword in most teams these days, and it offers good things. It also includes the self-defeating tenet that running code is worth more than comprehensive documentation. Seriously.

Want successful coding? Write the documentation before developers are told about the project. Everybody aims more accurately when there’s a target.

While I’m harumphing about how we did it in my day, catch all exceptions and code error handling first. Unless, of course, your favorite UX is the blue screen. :slight_smile:

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I was thinking more along the lines
„English Text with code samples/snippets“.

Certainly not in AppleScript :wink:

Pete, I’m not sure about the requirement for indexed files.

By “not sure,” I mean I haven’t got a clue beyond quick anecdotal testing.

I created a DT template for a BBEdit project, then made a new project in a test Devonthink database. I opened the BBEdit project with a double-click in DT.

Then I created new markdown files with Devonthink commands, which I then dragged into the BBEdit project.

I typed stuff into the files and exited BBEdit.

Without visiting the changed files in DT, Devonthink was able to search their contents. I had the string “xyzzy” in one of the markdown files, and searching for xyzzy found the file even though it was changed without telling DT to specifically open it.

I’ve never had trouble with applications that store their documents as packages - DT will find changed members.

Is this a safe method, create markdown files in DT with “new markdown file”, add them to a BBEdit project in DT, always modifying them while DT is running?


My bad advice of using indexed records was due to the fact that I wasn’t aware how easy it is to add records to a BBEdit project (and I had no coffee before posting it …). I really thought one needs to open each path via BBEdit’s open panel :roll_eyes: Guess I was tired when I tested BBEdit projects and thus didn’t try the obvious: a simple drag and drop. Sorry for the confusion.

I’ve now also added a BBEdit project template, nice idea!

My go to for writing in Markdown is Typora, currently in beta so free for now. It has a super clean interface that basically presents a blank page to the writer. I like having fewer options and buttons when writing, as I tend to want to push those buttons.

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