Accessing Obsidian Vaults from DT3

The scheme has to be built manually, doesn’t it? So typos matter. And it relies on the document being in "any previously opened vault. It’s a nice move in the right direction, but also inherently fragile.

Yes it has to be built manually - a bit of effort but workable. Not sure why it would be fragile - you mean because it does not use a UUID and thus would not survive a change in name of the vault or filename?

Yes name changes, punctuation, URL encoding, etc. – hard to do and maintain by hand.

But the option now to have Obsidian do markdown / path-based URLs makes the hand crafted URL less necessary – at least for the open vault.

Not sure I get that - could you give an example?

“Use Markdown Links” set to “On” in settings.

Sample link

Screenshot of Obsidian (9-15-20, 8-51-35 AM)

And then the URL Scheme link would be:



I think it would have to have the Vault and folder path in it URL – there’s no way it seems to grab that without guessing at it and typing it by hand.

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Would be nice if nothing else to have breadcrumbs or a URL path indicator to copy the details from

I suspect that will happen in time

For some reason this feature was a stumbling block for the developers - having the scheme is the biggest step - I suspect it will be tweaked as time goes on

And it appears they will be adding (for a fee) a feature not easily achieved even with DT3: publishing notes to share with others - that will be a nice plus

DEVONthink has more export options than Obsidian has or plans to have – including creating a website from exported documents. Not to mention the Server edition.

I am hoping Obsidian’s “publishing” feature allows for sharing a public link where the webserver is built-in to Obsidian and thus there is no need to re-export html files whenever an update is made.

DT3 Server is not workable for sharing with the general public

I am an enormous fan of DT3 for managing my own personal data - but sharing/publishing is definitely not its strength

Just to share my own (admittedly lightweight) Obsidian <-> Devonthink setup:

  • Simply index different Obsidian vaults (I’ve found the logical separation between databases in DT3 and the logical separation between vaults in Obsidian is a nice 1:1 mapping :slight_smile:)
  • I don’t feel the need to open Markdown docs as seen within DevonThink in Obsidian, but it is possible to set the “default app to open markdown docs” to Obsidian, at an OS X level, if needed.
  • While backlinks obviously don’t show up in DevonThink, there is the nice flow of being able to follow “forward links” as long as you set the wiki-link property to be “[[ ]]” in preferences

Ditto. That’s the same setup I use, but I don’t default Obsidian to be the app to open markdown documents. If I need a markdown file created in DEVONthink to be moved into Obsidian, I just drag (or duplicate and drag the dupe) it into the indexed vault.


Please excuse this resurrection, has indexing your vault in DT granted insights? I currently use Roam and am skeptical of the added value of using Obsidian for the ability to index the vault, since then I have to contend with editor panes instead of WYSIWYG. I’m quite content with Roam and am secure.

Also, in general, how does your workflow between the two take form? I presume your vault is in the same database as the source files (PDFs, Books, etc.) that the notes were taken from. Are there special actions you are using since they’re both on device, automation?

I don’t know about “insights,” but I’m happy to have speedy and reliable access to all my thinking from whatever apps I’d like to use. With on-system markdown files, there’s no reason to depend on DEVONthink’s (or Obsidian’s) editor. Open the files in whatever app you want!

To that point: I don’t often access markdown files from within DEVONthink. But they’re there if I need to use full-text search for something in both PDFs and markdown files. And on that note, I don’t attach any PDFs inside Obsidian, but use DEVONthink links instead, so that I can quickly get to the relevant file on iOS as well.

I don’t have much else to report on at the moment. Just happy to have everything securely everywhere.


+1 that is where Devonthink shines with offered out of the box encryption across Mac and IOS.

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I am fooling around with Obsidian and DT3 atm and have indexed a vault to devonthink. My use is to summarize linked highlights/notes I make in a pdf to a MD file in the vault and have it automatically update in Obsidian. If I click on a link in Obsidian it opens the pdf to the highlight in DT3. It works well, though of course I don’t benefit from autocompleting link titles etc, I am able to make notes from pdf highlights and edit notes in either DT3, 1Writer, or Obsidian. My goal is to use Obsidian as a note reference when drafting a piece of writing in Scrivener.

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My suggestion is taking all notes in DT3
and then send them to Scrivener. What can you get from Obsidian than you cannot get from DT3?

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It autocompletes my wikilinks, tags, and has a much more fluid interface with easier to use hotkeys. The drafting surface is also much more comfortable, cleaner, and less cluttered. It also has the useful graph view, which is less important than the other features I’ve mentioned. Over all I have much less friction in Obsidian. DT3 seems useful for organizing documents but for actually drafting the markdown notes it’s too unwieldy for me.


I see your point, but DT does everything you ask for (wikilinks, backlinks, tags, etc.). Besides, you can always configure DT to do what you want by using workspaces. Below is my screen with a markdown note. Nice and clean. No friction at all. Jim “Bluefrog” can always give you more tips to improve your workflow within DT.


Not bad!