accidentally deleted large group

I have been using DTP for a year and have found these forums invaluable. A situation has led me to post my first question.

I was moving back and forth between my browser and DTPO and decided to delete a text file in my DT inbox group. I pressed the delete icon in the DTPO toolbar and went back to my browser. The DTPO dock icon began bouncing. I returned to DTPO and all of the documents in my inbox were being deleted. I hit cancel but over 50 documents were gone.

Apparently, I had clicked on the inbox group rather than the text document I intended to delete before I hit delete. I must have unthinkingly ok’ed the delete, though I don’t remember it popping up. It looks like the pdf files are in the trash and the text files, web archives and links are gone.

Am I missing a way to undo or recover the deleted documents? If there is not such a way, shouldn’t there be? While it was apparently my error, it is disturbing that I could lose that many documents that fast.

I know about the cautions to be mindful at all times and I have a backup that contains much of what was deleted - so it looks like I will go through the cumbersome process of recovering the files that are there.

Thanks for any help.

I would suggest making a copy of the database. Then open the copy and run Restore Backup, choosing the most recent internal Backup.

Then select the group that you had deleted and export it to a (newly create for that purpose) folder in the Finder, using File > Export > Files & Folders.

Now go back to your original database, open it and import all of the contents of the folder holding the exported material, using File > Import > Files & Folders.

That will get you back to the state of the deleted group as of your most recent backup. If you are aware of some files in the Trash that were recently added, you can move them to a location outside the Trash and reimport them.

There’s a good argument for making frequent backups. I use DT Pro’s Scripts > Export > Backup Archive. Whenever I’ve made significant changes, next time I take a break I’ll invoke that routine – just takes seconds. When I come back after break the database is ready to go. But it has been verified, optimized and has current internal and external backups. The external archive created is the smallest possible compressed and dated file. It’s wise to copy that to an external device in case of a hard drive failure, a stolen laptop or the like.

thanks for this Bill - i was making up a more awkward process

as one who has followed these forums for a year and benefitted from so much of your advice, thanks for making this program so much more usable for so many people