Add URLs and text files straight into a spread sheet...

Hi, I created some sheets for address lists and when I click on the “folder” (the sheet) in the left pane, it shows in the preview pane the spread sheet with all colums and in the list above it shows all single records.

What I find very cool is that I was able to drag into the list also other files, like rich text documents and URLs. That way I have all together – one click on the “sheet folder” and I see all my notes, URLs and contacts for a company (I’m working as headhunter and research by phone and web plus need to take lots of notes).

HOWEVER – something that’s not possible, that’s when I have selected the “folder” (the sheet) and then click on “create new rich text” in the tool bar, then that file is always created at root and I have to manually drag it into my sheet folder. Same for any new link.

It’s a bit weird since the sheet presents itself somewhat like a folder and I can very well store other files in there – yet I never can quickly create them in DIRECTLY there - with one simple quick click.

Please enable this !!

Thanks, Martin

That’s intentional as sheets might become flat in the future and therefore the default destination for new items is a group (and not the selected sheet)