Adding an indexed database to dropbox

I have created a new database and ‘indexed’ a folder holding about 60 magazines. They appeared fine in the database with the mark to indicate they were indexed. But when I selected the database to to sync’d to dropbox it appears DT is trying to load all 60 magazines into dropbox. Not only that its been running 2 days and still not completed.
Am I wrong or should just the ‘index’ be loaded into Dropbox and sync’d?

Which version of DEVONthink do you use? And do you use the default Dropbox folder (~/Dropbox)?

Indexed contents will Sync to the Sync location unless you turn off Synchronize contents of indexed items.

Select the Sync location and press the Info button (blue encircled “i”) or right-click Show Info to check it.

Thanks for the help. All sorted.

No problem.