After moving an item, is there a shortcut to rapidly return to the item list?

But the other script is also a one-off script. It points at one group, so you’d need more than one script for other groups. Just saying, based on the appearance of things.

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the script works fine to move an item to a group, but does not seem to work to move to subgroups.

I move items much more often to groups than subgroups

Let’s say that “DevonThink Scripts” is a sub-group of the “DevonThink ver 3” Group in my Inbox (global inbox) database.

How would you write this line

set theFilingGroup to get record at "Group Name" in database "Database Name"

thanks very much !

a good point. thanks Another advantage of your script is that it takes the link which allows me to move to sub-groups

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I use it to move items into subgroups. Please try with the complete path for Group Name

e.g. Group/Subgroup/Subgroup within a Subgroup

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thank you

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