After sync, some groups appear as tags in Devonthink2Go

I have several nested folders indexed in a DTPO database, and after syncing, some of them appear as tags in DT2GO … cant replicate or find why this happened, but prevents me to check their options (download on demand, etc …).


Using DTPO 2.9.4 and DT2GO 2.0.3 (both latest) and Bonjour local sync.

I can confirm this behaviour, but not just with the current release, but with every version since 2.0. Not a big thing at all, but a little bit confusing.

It causes some trouble … :confused:
for eg. I select group-based sync options, i.e., some groups I want the contents downloaded on demand, others I don’t. Problem is, if it’s interpreted as a Tag in DT2GO, I can’t control that behaviour. Bug somewhere in what is a promising software which I will use and abuse!

Nailed it ! I’m not quite sure if all happened in this way, but I think, in DTPO, I had applied color labels to some of these groups which were interpreted as tags in DT2GO.
Then I must have changed the labels name in DTPO preferences > colors > labels.
I noticed that the faulty groups had “green”, “yellow”, etc… tags applied to them. If I tried to remove them in the tags bar (bottom-right on split view) by pressing delete they wouldn’t get away.
So I went straight to the “tags” special folder in the database, deleted the tag from there, synced, and the problem went away. Groups are now groups.
Hope this helps everyone.

Nested where? In a Tag hierarchy?
Or are you using Groups Tagging in DEVONthink but also have a Tag of the same name in the Tags Group?

BLUEFROG, I mean I have several “folders inside folders” in my Mac filesystem, and then indexed the top level folder in DevonThink. As for the moment, I’m not using nesting of tags (only tags with one level). But considering that degree of flexibility DT gives me. :smiley:

I find situations where Tags having the same name then groups are causing confusion. For example a group didn’t sync from iPhone to iPad at all because of that I assume. In that case it is not easy to understand what is happening exactly.
Some explanation of how to handle group names/tag names would be appreciated.

Names of groups don’t matter for the synchronization. Are you able to reproduce this?