Annonate PDFs and still have a clean shareable copy

Is there a clever way short of file duplication to handle the following scenario:

  • I want to share truly interesting papers I read with clients etc. For those people I would like a clean copy
  • I typically want to add my own thoughts, comments or highlights in the paper so I immediately know why it was valuable to me. Oddly the papers I have the most interest in marking up are the ones I’m mostly likely to share.

In an ideal world - DevonThink would have such sophisticated version control that my markup was stored beside the original file without harming it. Then I could see my edits and share the original pdf without my poorly written notes.

Mark a human

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See menu Data > Convert > to PDF without Annotations.


Pete - That was exactly what I needed and I didn’t know it. It needs its own shortcut. I owe you virtual beer. - Mark

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Likewise - thank you for the question and for the answer.

Why didn’t I know this already? I must have Fridge Blindness, except DT is not a fridge. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I guess the world is ideal after all :wink: