I didn’t realise this but I tested it and you are correct. The alternative might be to put annotations in an indexed file which would make the keywords available to spotlight.
A newly created group inherits its window style (icon, column split, three panes) and the viewable columns from it parent folder (when opened as a separate folder). This makes it very important to set up the folder structure carefully before you start, if like me, you use different views for different folders. So instead of the icon view that you are seeing when you select the annotation group from the source link, I have the folder set up to show me a split view with only the relevant columns open that I need. This is done by setting up the correct view in the annotation/groups folder.
It is probably because I am not following your methodology properly but your system seem on first glance to be quite clumsy and not conducive to easily finding information.
I would set it up a little differently :-
- The title would be the name of the pdf document
- The author and the year would be tags, or parent folders
- The annotations title would reference something relevant to the annotations, such as the first few words of the selected text. This would help in search and AI to identify the relevance of a searched document
- The full citation should appeal in the annotation text so there is no need to reference this information from the source document
I use my folder structure to automatically generate the citations while I am writing in OmniOutliner using variation of this script: [url]Cite&Write with OmniOutliner]
Just a suggestion because when I was in academics reference managers hadn’t been invented yet.
Reference back to the citation manager
Paulo mentioned that a reference back to the citations manager (such as Endnotes, or Bookends) would be useful. I don’t have any experience with citation reference managers so I am going to experiment and see how best to create a link back to the citation manager. This would seem to be the best answer to jmm’s problem too.