Annotation Pane (Annotation with Links, Notes, Tags v3)

This is a short script which will work with the documents produced by the Annotation Pane and the Document Review Pane to produce a sheet of all the selected source documents, annotations and their related metadata such as the extra groups defined in config.scpt.

It will produce a sheet that looks something like this:

sheet of docs and annotations.jpg

Sheets are easily exported to Excel, Numbers or a variety of other formats

The Sheet has the following columns:
Item no. A sequential number incrementing for each row
Running PDF page Number The page number of the pdf if all the pdfs in the sheet were numbered sequentially. Other file types are ignored. Useful for producing indexes.
Date The creation date of the document.
Document name The name of the document.
Spotlight comment The spotlight comment of the file.
Page Number The page number that the document references if its an annotation OR the Bates number if such a number is detected in the the spotlight comment.
Source Document The name of the source document if the document is an annotation.
…Tag columns… The tags of the file for each of the specialGroup1, specialGroup2 and extraGroups tag groups as defined in the config.scpt file.

[20150519] Running page number added

Index docs and annotations (32.1 KB)