Annotations and links for everything

Devonthink pro would be the best if it had one feature — the ability to add small notes to everything with links to other documents. For example I have a text document with some info, I’m adding a note saying that you can read more at page 20 of A.pdf and there’s a link from note to pdf page. And not only pdfs but to other documents as well. Links from pdfs to other pdfs/docs would be good too but not as important as links from docs to pdf pages.

Thank you.

As DEVONthink is using standard file formats, this is only supported by rich text documents (RTF, RTFD) and (since v2) by PDF Documents (via annotations) and by editing HTML pages/web archives and inserting the necessary links (e.g. copied via Edit > Copy Item Link).

A rich text note can include links to any document, or in the case of PDFs, to a specific page of the PDF, using the Page Link.

Also see viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9434