"Append" buttons

Could services such as “append rich note”, etc., be added to the available toolbar buttons for working within DT to avoid having to go to the menu so much? This would be great for excerpting portions of documents already in DT.



there is an icon you can insert into the menu bar if you customize it, it is a yellow paper with a red needle, called “Memo erfassen” (capture memo or something like that).

I hope that was your question…


I’m talking about the “append rich note” command from the services menu; having that as a button that can be put in the tool bar. I haven’t tried the button you’re talking about but doesn’t that one just create a new one rather than appending to the last note?


You are right, I did not get the exact meaning of what you wrote into my brain – it is getting lazy since I have DT thinking for me :wink:
