Apple Mail Plugin not working on macOS Sierra

I’m using Devonthink Pro Office 2.9.4. The plugin not working and had been disabled by Apple Mail. Thank you

Sierra is ​beta ​software and should not be used in mission-critical or production environments, not should it be expected to behave normally.

Also, with every Apple update, they disable Mail plugins. Reinstall it from the Install Add-Ons menu item in DEVONthink.

It can’t be installed. Been dragging email into database as workaround. Dreadfully slow. Lots of spinning.

I can reproduce this. In Sierra GM, reinstalling the plugin doesn’t help. I still see

Console shows the following, so it looks like it’s added another key that needs to get updated. (BTW, Sierra’s new console app makes it really, really hard to find things.)

Plugin compatibility check failed for DEVONMailConduit-SnowLeopard.mailbundle. The plugin's Info.plist must have a Supported10.12PluginCompatibilityUUIDs key whose value is an array of strings that contains the compatibility UUIDs for the supported versions of Mail. The compatibility UUID value is found in the PluginCompatibilityUUID key of Mail's Info.plist

What Jim said.

Every macOS update disables Mail plugins (and not just DEVONthink’s). When upgrading masOS I also quit Mail, go to ~/Library/Mail/Bundles and delete the DEVONthink bundle. Reboot. Open DEVONthink and install the Mail plugin. Launch Mail.

I guarantee you, this forum has had the same question asked and answered for every macOS update since 2006.

Yes, that normally is what I do as well, but when you try to do this under Sierra, it does not work. It comes back disabled again.

Are stating that you have had success under Sierra reinstalling??


Well, I just tried again. and I get the dialog upon opening Mail that the plugin has been disabled.

So why is this?

I’d post a picture, but can’t figure out how. In any case, It states incompatible Plug-in and ask developers for a compatible version for Mail-10.

Sorry, I do not know (obviously). Have you other plugins in place – SpamSieve, Indev’s bundles?

No other plugins used in Mail.

Have 2.9.4 of DTPO and no updates available. Sierra 10.12 16A319. Which puts Mail at: Version 10.0 (3226)

I imagine I’ll just have to wait until there is an update to DTPO for Sierra once it comes out officially.

Sierra GM is looking for a new plist key: Supported10.12PluginCompatibilityUUIDs. DT 2.9.4 sets SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs, not the new key. Therefore, reinstalling the plugin does not work.

Changing the Info.plist to use the new key instead of the old key does let the plugin load.

This is not the usual case we see in OS upgrades, because Apple changed the key. As a result, a minor update to DT will be required.

Well call me confused. But I know mine doesn’t reinstall, so will wait for an update. DTPO. Confused why Korm is getting it to load, unless her adjusted prefs.

c’est la vie

Here’s how you can get it to load:

  • Quit Mail
  • Go into ~/Library/Mail/ and find a Bundles disabled directory. (There may may be more than one if you’ve been trying this for a while.
  • Edit DEVONMailConduit-SnowLeopard.mailbundle/Contents/Info.plist
  • Change “SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs” to “Supported10.12PluginCompatibilityUUIDs”
  • Save the plist
  • Copy DEVONMailConduit-SnowLeopard.mailbundle into ~/Library/Mail/Bundles
  • Start Mail

I appreciate the instructions. Knowing me I would almost certainly mess this up. :confused: I think I will just wait for an update and continue to drag my nails into Devonthink to back up. :open_mouth:

Just wanted to confirm the above instructions (rename plist file) works fine.
Plugin successfully enabled in Sierra Mail 10.0

Thank you. Actually, I’d rather the software were just updated already. Know not officially released, but public beta’s of it probably being used much.

Updates of DEVONthink for the public beta releases of an OS update would be a poor use of developer resources, which are targeted to the improvement of DEVONthink itself.

By definition, a public beta of Mac OS is a moving target, designed to find bugs and uncover issues. Even after the Gold Master release of a beta OS, Apple may (and sometimes has) made significant code changes in the public release.

The developers are aware of issues posed by beta releases, but trying to update the current version of DEVONthink for each beta OS release would be somewhat like a dog chasing its tail. Such an effort would use far more resources than could be justified for achievement of compatibility with the final public release.

That’s why we (and Apple itself) emphasize that a beta OS should not be used for a real working environment.

Just to amplify Bill’s point… Apple just released a second gold master for Sierra. :smiley:

Thanks, @alanshutko. Exactly the point. :smiley:

Should be noted that 320, 322 and the 323 “updates” were because of daily build numbering and movements to Siri servers and servers for official release today. No other changes. Of course that wasn’t know publicly or by developers apparently, but in any case today it was officially released (323), so again, I am hoping for an update soon to address the problematic plugin for DTPO.