Apple Mail> Services> take formatted note, etc. not working

I am running OS 10.15.6 of a MacBook Pro 2020. Nothing in the Mail> Services > DT3 Pro dropdown menu is importing into my DT. I get an error ping. No pop up window.

Apple Mail >services > Take Formatted Note: I get no action and an error ping sound. I checked out this lead:

Screencast of my problem

Why are you using services to import an email into DEVONthink From Apple Mail?

There is already an Add to DEVONthink 3 command in the Message menu in Apple Mail. There’s also the View > Import sidebar in DEVONthink.

A ha! I see it. I can do it. thx!

But why have a useless function action path? Maybe the tutorial from from 2019 is outdated already?? Is there even a point to Apple Mail> Services having DT commands is the drop-down menu then?? I do realize there are usually 2 or more ways of doing most actions in/for DT but I am just learning DT now and it is frustrating when 1 of the 2 ways to do an action is buggy. I’m like, why have it? Just get rid of it.

  1. ScreencastsOnline operates independently so I can’t vouch for the content in the tutorial.
  2. We don’t insert services into the menu. Services are dependent on the current application and what it’s reporting. In this case, it appears Apple Mail is reporting content that triggers the appearance of our services. We may be able to inspect the interaction to determine what is happening.