Automatic OCR of PDFs

I just upgraded my DTP to DTPO because of the ability to scan with my SnapScan S510m into DTPO and ocr the document with the fine reader plugin inside of DTPO.

While it is working, when I manually trigger the the conversion it does not automatically convert my PDF without text.

Is there some setting or trick how DTPO does convert my scansnap scans automatically into searchable PDFs after scanning?

I am running 2.9.7 and have the checkbox inside the ocr settings checked which says: Incoming Scans -> Convert into searchable pdfs.

Figured it out by myself.

One should not choose the DTPO Inbox as a destination for the ScanSnap Manager but instead any other location.

It is working now perfectly :slight_smile:

Glad you got it worked out. Happy scanning! :smiley:

I believe I have discovered a bug, unless what I am about to describe is expected behavior. When using ScanSnap to send files to DevonThink Pro Office, the files appear to go through the OCR process, but in the end, there is no text. Also, if I try to OCR a previously scanned file using ScanSnap, the text recognition process goes through with no OCRed text at the end. But if I use a different scanner (an HP Envy for instance), and then send to DevonThink, and OCR it, the document produced does contain text (PDF + text). Thus, there is something going on with ScanSnap and DevonThink. I do have the newest versions of both products (2.9.7 and 6.3 L60). I am using Mac OS Sierra 10.12.2 beta 4.

Any insight from other users?