Automatically expand Inbox and all its subgroups in sorter

Hello, I often drag and drop items to the sorter, usually in one of the subgroups of the inbox.
Is there any way to insure that the inbox and ALL its subgroups are expanded when I open the sorter ?
thank you

No. But the last expansion should be reused.

It’s strange that I am constantly re-expanding. I am basically always drag-and-dropping to inbox subfolders and certainly never collapse the inbox. There must be something that I am doing (outside the sorter) that resets the expansion.
Please note that I am referring to the inbox group (and especially its subgroups) of the inbox database

thank you


Actually, I can open the Sorter, expand the Inboxes group and watch to collapse on its own after a short pause.

Also, if you expand an item, the selection is lost after a second or two.