Automatically filing screenshots in the right group


There may not be a way to do this, but I thought I’d check anyway:

I have set my Mac to send screenshots to my DevonThink inbox. I have a database that contains a “journal structure”, with nested groups for year/month/day. I want to place these screenshots within the “right day”.

Is there a way (via Smart Rules or otherwise) to do this?


P.S. I tried Smart Rules first, but the “move” action only works with a fixed group as destination.

You can use the File action in a smart rule (as opposed to Move) and then right click to insert placeholder and choose Creation Date to create an appropriate format.

Edit: you may need initially to Move the file (in the smart rule) to the relevant parent group before using File to file it under the appropriate day.



Wow, today I learned, thanks!

Yes, “File” is so much more versatile than “Move”!

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Nobody should complain that the folks behind DEVONthink are not proactive: see yesterday’s blog post on How to Use Filing and Moving.


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The File action is incredibly powerful, and as I hope I conveyed, can be used in very sophisticated ways! :heart: :slight_smile: