Bibliographic references?

I use Endnote also, mainly because its under a voume license at my university. In any case I find it so far fine. One thing you will find useful is that Endnote supports services - you can ‘find’ and ‘insert’ citations directly on text/rtf documents that you have in DT. This can be useful in that as you are writing a note (which could be in an outliner or anything that supports OSX sevices BTW) you can insert a citation on the spot. That citation can be formatted in the appropriate referencing style down-the-track once you copy your snippets of writing over into Word, Mellel etc.

The thing I find nifty is that the services menu for Endnote can do an RTF document scan to format the references. This means you need not even leave DThink if you happen to be writing there.

Give it a whirl.

Hi, you’d mentioned that EndNote can format references in an RTF file within Devonthink using RTF document scan. I haven’t been able to produce this: I easily insert a reference, but not do the formatting…it always wants to produce an external file called RTFScanData.rtf in a folder called RTFScanService.

How do i get it to format it WITHIN DT, so that i have all the bibliographic information in the devonthink note itself?

For those who use Bookends or Bibdesk, is there a similar functionality using services or some other method?

APOLOGIES!!! You are right, I just re-read my last post and one is not able to apply the scan/format within the DT RTF file, only the insert citation. Sorry.

It is necessary to switch back to Endnote and save out another RTF file from there. Perhaps there is a way to rejig the preferences in Endnote in some way, or better still if EN is Applescript aware create a script to automate most of that process? (Can OSX 10.4 Automator do this?)

In any case, how often does one apply final citations versus just inserting citation tags anyway? A final format/insert seems to me a task that would occur less often (versus the task of actually writing and adding cite tags), so the extra step of dragging a new RTF to DThink is not a big effort. The advantage is that you have the compact original intact for future edits, since once you close the formatted RTF you cant undo the formatting.

I read this post, followed the instructions, and now here’s my Bookends database, relating Devon fashion to all the other stuff in my DT Pro collection. This is great. (And now I too understand what the heck a sheet is.)

VERY nice feature. As for updating, I wonder if a script could tell the Finder to open Bookends, select all refs as hits, export them as BibTex, then open DT, import the new file and name it with the date and time the action was performed. Is that the sort of thing Automator could be programmed to do?

Easy for me to say, I know.

Anyway, thanks to Ricki and others on this thread for showing us this import/sheet trick. And to the programmers for building this into the Pro version.
