Bookends integration

A typical situation for me: I’d be writing a scientific paper in which I have to discuss my own findings in the light of what others have found before me, where and why I get different results and what that implies.

The tools at my disposal: Mellel for writing + Bookends database with 30,000 refs, of which 20 might be relevant and of which I can only remember 2 or 3 + 1,000 pdf files (articles) + my previous data and papers.

What I would like to be able to do when needed, using DT’s AI: open the Mellel manuscript inside DT, select the section I am working on and get a list of all the relevant Bookends entries (i.e. scan the 30,000 titles, abstracts and/or author lists), and a list of the pdf files (even those that haven’t been referenced in Bookends). Then, follow links in order of relevance: if it is a reference in Bookends database, I’d want to open that reference in Bookends. If there are several Bookends entries with high relevance, add them all to Bookends’ hit list.

What would be needed from DTPro: full compatibility with the Mellel format (though I guess that read is more important that write capabilities); indexing of the Bookends databases (which I’d synchronise automatically via that great Applescript provided by Christian); the ability to send orders to Bookends with an applescript (like my example of adding to the hit list).
Then I would really need DEVONagent’s range of boolean operators in DTPro 8)

<<indexing of the Bookends databases (which I’d synchronise automatically via that great Applescript provided by Christian)>>

Can someone tell me where this script is? I can’t find it by searching the Forum or the DT site.

BTW, some months ago I learned a method here for importing a BE bibliography as a Worksheet. I recently tried it again to update the sheet and it failed. A lot of variables have changed since I last imported – DT updated, BE updated, and I switched to a new Macbook. So I don’t know where the fault lies. But if anyone can tell me how to succeed with this maneuver, I’d be grateful.
