Bookmark and rtf at the same time with Safari or

Hi! Any suggestions (or a script ) to how I can simultaneously capture a webpage (.webloc) and an .rtfd version from Safari (or another browser)?

Do you realize an RTFD version won’t necessarily maintain the appearance of the original page?

Yes, sir. I do.

Here’s a quick teaching edition version, creating a bookmark and rich text file in the Inbox of the current database…

tell application "Safari"
	if exists (window 1) then -- Make sure a window is open
		set ct to (current tab of window 1) -- Set a variable to the current tab in the current window (window 1)
		set taburl to URL of ct -- Get the URL of the current tab to pass to DEVONthink
	end if
end tell

tell application id "DNtp"
	set newRecord to create record with {URL:taburl, type:bookmark} in incoming group of current database
	-- Normally you'd set the name when creating a file. However, with a bookmark, DEVONthink should pull the title and automatically set the name
	convert record newRecord to rich -- Convert the bookmark to rich text
end tell

Groovy! Thank you!

You’re welcome.

Works! Thank you! You’re a genius!

Buttering you up to ask, how can I make it so that goes .webloc > .pdf > RTFD?

I suspect that I have to change this to tell it to make a pdf:

tell application id “DNtp”

set newRecord to create record with {URL:taburl, type: bookmark } in incoming group of current database

convert record newRecord to rich – Convert the bookmark to rich text

end tell

But from there I am not sure.

Sorry to abuse your kindness. This is magic to me, though I now know how to open the Scripts Editor. Baby steps. Hope to have time to get a better grasp of this interesting tool and KBM.

No worries. I hope you’re learning something from it.

Here’s an amended version converting the PDF to rich text after it has been created…

tell application "Safari"
	if exists (window 1) then -- Make sure a window is open
		set ct to (current tab of window 1) -- Set a variable to the current tab in the current window (window 1)
		set taburl to URL of ct -- Get the URL of the current tab to pass to DEVONthink
	end if
end tell

tell application id "DNtp"
	set newRecord to create record with {URL:taburl, type:bookmark} in incoming group of current database
	-- Normally you'd set the name when creating a file. However, with a bookmark, DEVONthink should pull the title and automatically set the name
	set pdfRecord to convert record newRecord to single page PDF document -- Convert the bookmark to a single page PDF
	convert record pdfRecord to rich -- Convert the single page PDF  to rich text (RTFD)
	-- You could also just convert the bookmark to rich text, per my previous example.
end tell

Thanks again.

You’re welcome.