Browsing search results

This is a request that I have introduced before and which has, during the years and months that have passed, been met with assuraces that it will be taken care of in later editions.

Basically what I want is to treat search results as a browser window, i.e. sort the results according to date and other critreria, create new groups from the search results etc.

In my job as a journalist I collect lots of articles, snippets of information, background documents etc. often without knowing how and when this information will be used. Suddenly I get interested in links between people, between organisations, between people and companies or organisations, between countries etc.

More often than not I’m also interested in when something or someone was mentioned. i.e. “Is there a link between al-Zarqawi and Jemen?”, “Which is the most recent item mentioning such a link?”. Today I can search on “Zarqawi” and “Jemen”, but there is no easy way to see which are the most recent items and to group these together in a “Zarqawi&Jemen” file.

Will this ever be possible?

DT Pro 1.9 alpha 23 pretty well answers your request.

The "Horizontal" view of the search window will let you sort search results by relevancy Score, Name, Date Modified, Kind or Size.

You will be able to select multiple items from the search list by Command-clicking on them. Then you can move, replicate or duplicate those items into a specified group using a contextual menu option. (If the destination group doesn’t already exist, you can easily create it before making your selections.)

I’m pretty sure these features will be incorporated into DT PE 1.9, and I think you’ll like them.

I would like to see an additional option: Toggle between "Date Created" and "Date Modified" sorts, which would, I think, fully flesh out the features you requested. :slight_smile:

Cool! Can’t waitjavascript :grin()


the "Columns" menu of the final build of DT Pro will be supported by the search window too (and therefore you could add "Date Created" columns for example).

In addition, it’s already (since v1.8.1b) possible to sort search results by location too - just click on the “Name” column multiple times: This will switch between ascending/descending and sorting by Name/Location.

Finally, DT PE 1.9 will include all mentioned features of this thread too.