BUG? Icon for Markdown documents

According to MDN, there is neither an align nor a hyphens attribute for div. This element only supports global attributes, which neither align nor hyphens are.

Or, rather: align is deprecated and was never meant to align the content of the div, only the div itself. Check out caniuse.com for align – the property seems to be deprecated on all elements where it had been accepted earlier.

Without having thoroughly searched, I only found an align attribute for the table element. If you want to try out justified text with hyphenation, with a div, using an inline style might be the best bet:
<div style="-webkit-hyphens:auto; hyphens: auto; text-align: justify" lang="en">

And make sure that your browser does not complain about illegal stuff in the HTML/CSS – only then can we be certain that the stuff is at least vaguely ok.


fixed it. No matter what I tried hyphens:auto alone did not work. Thanks a lot!