Can anyone get Imprints other than the default to work in DT3?

The Imprints dialog seems unusably buggy. “Insert Line” does not show correctly in the preview. Additional fonts (font 1, font 2 … ) are capriciously implemented, and suddenly deleted. Positioning makes no sense to me — how to place a box 1" right and down from the top left corner? Negative pixel offsets? Positioning seems to move the box but then the box doesn’t line up with the enclosed text. Etc.

They are Cartesian coordinates.
From the Help > Documentation > Preferences > Imprinter

Note: The values are in pixels here, though we may change that in the future.
As per the common standard, there are 72 pixels / inch.

Development will have to investigate the formatting shown in the Imprint preview.

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Thanks. I understand offsets now. I was relying on Take Control of DevonThink 3, which is less informative about them than the Help file, which I should have also consulted before posting.

Along with the Configuration preview displaying oddly, I think development might be interested in the following:

  • The Help file specifies that only one font can be used for any Configuration. I was able to specify and (briefly) use multiple fonts, which show in-line as “Font”, “Font 1”, etc. Allowing this is confusing. (I welcome the ability to have multiple fonts per Configuration.)

  • If one selects text in the Title dialog and then clicks one of the color selector tiles for either Border or Fill and selects a color or opacity, the color or opacity are applied to the selected text.

  • Inserting a second “Font” Placeholder or using ⌥⏎ to insert a hard return really confuses the dialog. I’ve had fill opacities revert to 100%, fill opacities applied to the text in the Title field, Placeholders deleted, and the entire dialog freeze.

Also, in the Help file one finds:

I’m just learning DevonThink, but it seems that in place of “custom field” at the first orange arrow it should say “Configuration”, and “field” at the second orange arrow should be changed to “Configuration”.

The second sentence in the part I’ve cited is hard to understand. Universally, afaik, “Click” and “Click and release” have the same meaning.