Can DTPro "remember" online passwords?

I read the discussions about cookies here in the forum, but I’m not sure what it finally means.

I’d like to browse and participate in an online discussion forum (NOT this one here) which is based on phpbb and which requires login.

I tried to open the url in DTPro Office 2.2.1, I have to enter login and password (so far so good), but when I’ve read some posts and e. g. click on the answer-button to create an answer to the thread, I’m again directed to the login window where I have to enter password and login again (although I’ve checked the box “remember password” last time.

Cookies are activated for sites I’ve visited (and if I understood the information here correctly, those cookie settings are the same or Safari and DTPro and can not be set individually?!).

Does anybody here successfully use a phpbb forum with DTPro Office without permanently entering his login information?

Do you already use Lion? The cookie handling of Lion seems to require much more logins, at least in my experience. But our forum is also based on phpBB3 and working fine over here (usually using DEVONagent but the WebKit integration of DEVONagent/think is basically the same).

The mileage might also depend on other WebKit applications running at the same time.

No, I’m using OS X 10.6.8 - no Lion on board.

However since I’ve upgraded from 10.6.6 I had the impression that Safari requires the password more often in this special forum I want to access…

Maybe there’s a general cookie problem?

But in Safari it still works better than in DTPro Office.
Especially: Safari at least already fills the fields for username and password,
however in DTPro Office I have to type it each time!