Can I Increase Size of Tag Bar to Show More Tags?

Hello! I am a brand new user and make heavy use of tagging. Consequently, the tag bar along the bottom of an item fills up quickly. I know I can keep adding tags, but it would be helpful if I could see them all. Can I expand the size of that bar? If not, I would like to request the feature. Thanks!

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I second this question/feature request!

Welcome @apcot
This is currently not possible, but the request is noted.

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Thank you! Numerous tags are great for my research workflow.

New to DEVONthink. Where is the tag bar?

Welcome @mbb
View > Show Tags displays the Tags bar under the currently displayed document.

thanks @BLUEFROG, I see it now

You’re welcome. A few other options are:

  1. Enter Tags in the tags section of the Info pane via Tools > Show Info
  2. Drag and drop a file to a specific tag in the Tags group of a database.
  3. For some file types, select text, right-click, and choose Add Tag »word«.

Just to check in – has this been added in the last few years? I would also very much like to see more of the tags in the tagbar below documents. Thanks.

There have been no specific changes to the Tags bar in this regard.