Can I use DevonAgent to search files on my computer?

I have to say, I am royally confused here; not to mention a tad disappointed.
so… Devon Agent Pro is NOT a web search tool to include PDF’s?

I do mean you guys well and I paid my money and bought into the marketing but: -

Perhaps you might want to revisit how you market this.
Reading this forum, I see this PDF search issue a lot.

To me, marketing a tool for research very often if not always, includes searching a PDF somewhere along the line and as you mentioned earlier in this thread. Devon Agent Pro does do this (but I am finding it is sporadic at best, some do some don’t) Maybe let the end user know if you found a PDF in the search set that couldn’t be searched or indexed, that might be helpful.

Very ambiguous and blurred lines exist between these products; Devon Agent / Devon Sphere / Devon Think and you might save yourselves some repetitive effort by specifically stating PDF file searches are not so effective? I wanted this solution to work so bad, I did.

You are misunderstanding the purpose of DEVONagent. You are essentially trying to use DEVONagent as an online version of DEVONthink. It is not made for adding links to known PDFs and searching those PDFs.

A search set is not an online library. It is a collection of entry points (plugins and search engines) or specific sites (not documents) used to locate pages and searchable documents.

The purpose of DEVONagent is to locate online information, typically to be used locally, especially in conjunction with DEVONthink or DEVONsphere.

You’re welcome and yes, DEVONthink would be much more useful in the way you’re imagining it. You can even create an Aviation database and fill it up with all kinds of documents, etc. related to your endeavors.