Cannot highlight some pdfs in DT3

I love DT because I can do some of my research and wiritng work without opening third-party software and the chance to annotate and highlight pdf is one of its favourite abilities. Still I have some problems with highliting on many pdf files. Highlight (and all other annotation gtools) simply does not work on many files downloaded from academic sites. The files are not locked and I can hihglight annotate them using apple preview and or acrobat and Devonthink can summarize the higlights so created. Is there something I’m missing?

This has been discussed many times already, One of the hits when feeding “Highlight PDF” into the forum’s search function is


The following tips might help if the PDF file is read-only.
:vulcan_salute:t2: Right click on the PDF ➠ Convert ➠ to PDF(Paginated).


Thanks. I made a search before posting but I didn’t happen to come across the post you linked. Thank you.

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My pdf are not read only but your tip is useful for other situations. Thanks.

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Can you hold the Option key and choose Help > Report bug to start a support ticket. Please ZIP and attach a PDF you’re having a problem with.

Thanks for this awesome tip!!! Saves me a ton of time.

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