Cannot view jpg files

Long-time user of DTPO, new to DTTG.

I am having issues with jpg files on an iPad, and don’t know if this is an expected issue.

In Mail, I press and hold on a jpg attachment. My only choice is Clip to Devonthink. When I do so, nothing happens. When I check in DTTG, there is no file.

If I tap and hold, then save to Photos, I can then go to Photos, use the share button, and clip again. Now in DTTG, I CAN SEE THE FILE LISTED, WITH 0 bytes file size.

If I do the same with a pdf attachment, I get the choice of Open in DT, which works fine.

Is there a setting I need? Something else I am missing?

Perhaps this is the same problem?

Thanks for the link. I had searched under ‘jpg,’ and not found anything applicable.

So jpg images in emails won’t be saved to DTTG if I save the email, even if I do not go through Photos? It appears to me that the email is saved as plain text only. Is it a matter of an image-creating app, or just any image?

I was hoping to create an email workflow on iOS that was close to my desktop workflow, but it appears daunting…