Capturing Web Pages & Articles

Ok, so I’ve started using DTP to capture web articles and pages that I then take notes on in a separate file. Once I’ve taken notes, I want to add a link to the notes on the actual downloaded page and move it to an archive file.

The only format that seems to be editable (after using the safari plugin) seems to be Rich Text, but it’s kind of a pain in the butt as I can’t just quickly drop simple text at the top of the page… I’d like markdown, because it pulls all of the web crap out. But markdown isn’t editable, at least not in any quick way I’ve found while trying to add a link in DTP before dropping it to an archive file.

I’m probably making this harder than it needs to be. Any ideas?

EDIT: What I’m trying to do is, when hitting the plug in button for safari, trying to download the text of the page (preferably without other info/images) but I want to be able to easily edit it by dropping a note above the top of the article text that links to the actual notes I’ve taken on the article. I’ve not found a format (plain text, rich text, etc) that both captures the text and consistently allows me to add my note link.

The only format that seems to be editable (after using the safari plugin) seems to be Rich Text, but it’s kind of a pain in the butt as I can’t just quickly drop simple text at the top of the page…

You can certainly copy and paste text into a rich text document.
You can also drag and drop text into it, but that’s a less frequently know mechanism.

But markdown isn’t editable, at least not in any quick way I’ve found while trying to add a link in DTP before dropping it to an archive file.

Markdown is very editable as easily so. Please clairfy what you find difficult about it.