Changing Reading direction for pdf on iPad

Hello all,

Changing the reading direction (page flipping) for pdfs to vertical to horizontal on iPad does not change anything for me, the reading direction is always vertical.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

It works here as expected (just tried). Which version of DEVONthink To Go do you use and where do you change the scrolling direction?

I use the most recent version and change pdf behaviour in settings in the side panel.

Side panel? The menu or the Settings popover that you summon from the database screen?

Yes, exactly that one, the settings popover!

have you tried to force quit, re-start and retry?
This has nothing to do with a fix, of course, maybe it just fixes it for you just now and is then a base to find the root cause.

Indeed, I realised that I didn’t have the very last version but the second last. I updated and it works just fine. Thanks you all!

Why not add sepia and black/white for reading ease?

Ah, I’m relieved :slight_smile:

Adjusting PDFs on-the-fly is not an easy task as they’re made for accurately showing what they’re meant to show (technically they are, or are meant to be, ‘frozen print output’). We currently use the dark mode methods provided by the PDF library and would rather not dive into how to add more adjustment modes ourselves when there are more pressing issues like the new text editor :wink: