Clipping/Converting to Markdown loses images

I’ve read a number of posts and selected that downloaded images go to a group called assets in the prefs, but I’m not getting the desired effect, which may be due to my method or possibly the website.

When I download a web archive, or formatted note, I get the images as well as the text. But when I download as markdown or convert the above archive or formatted note to markdown, the image is gone (also in preview mode). Ultimately, I want to use the file both in obsidian and DT. When I clip to obsidian, I also dont get the images either, having tried 2 different clippers.

Probably I’m doing something wrong or misunderstanding something as I’m not too familiar w/ MD.

I can’t speak for Obsidian and whatever you’re clipping to it with but when you clip to Markdown, it doesn’t download the images to DEVONthink (yet).

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ok, good to know. I’m hopeful about the “yet” :slight_smile: