Clutter-free Webarchive in DT

The Safari clipping extension on iOS allows one to make a “clutter free” Web Archive. This would be a useful option to have in Devonthink’s context menu: Capture As -> Web Archive (clutter-free).


Very good suggestion. I’d even suggest that that section of the contextual menu have a global item for “Clutter Free” that when checked would apply to all the “Capture As…” options. The checkmark would persist until turned off.

Better to have the option in the submenu than a preference so we don’t have to hunt for it when shocked by the results of a capture.

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Has this been implemented. Have a lot of imported bookmarks (from Yojimbo) which I would love to convert to be clutter free web archives.

There are several scripts in Scripts > Download to convert selected items, e.g. Scripts > Download > As Web Archive. By default this script doesn’t use the clutter-free layout but you could duplicate & customize this script. By the way, as web archives are limited to Apple platforms and quite often not even compatible to older macOS/iOS releases a different format is usually recommended for archiving.

Re clutter-free web archive pages. I have been using Print Friendly for a few weeks and it works quite well – it gives me a clean pdf of a web page with clickable links. It does require several extra steps – click icon on browser toolbar, adjust % size of result, select pdf, click on yes download, and then the result goes to a Finder file instead of to DT so has to be moved. (No doubt there’s a script for that, but I haven’t done it yet.) DT would be smart to incorporate a similar function because variations on Clip to DT aren’t very satisfying anymore.