Comment bug on move?

I’m using the “Comment” column as a way to prioritize…

… For example, I’ll type the number 5 for important stuff, and the number 1 for the not-very-important stuff. Then I click on the “Comment” column to sort from high to low – pretty nifty so far…

… Here’s the (maybe) bug… I prefer to move the “Comment” column to the left of the “Name” column… and when I do, I can only add a number to the “Comment” column once… when I try for a second time, double clicking opens my file.

The workaround for now is to quit DEVONthink and reopen.

Is this a bug or is there some setting than I need to check on? And is there a better, faster way to priorize that I don’t know about?

Yikes… I’ve hardly seen zero replies to any post here… did I rock the boat with this post?

Hi, Marcus:

You are probably the only person in the universe who has done precisely what you described. But it’s not a bad idea, especially if it works for you. :slight_smile:

The easiest workaround for your problem is to open the Info panel for any of the documents, enter your priority rating in the Comment field and move to the next, and the next.

I find this faster and more reliable than selecting the comment field, making it editable and entering your priority number.

Wow… that “Info” popup looks amazing…

… And it might even be the place to find out about my next question.

I’m applying the “Getting Things Done” idea along with DT and I created a morning routine checklist that includes opening my “Waiting for” and “Next actions” folder within DT.

Question: How do I use the “Path” in the “Info” dialog box to open these folders as a clickable link?

Hi, Marcus:

You can’t use the Info panel’s Path field for that purpose.

But you can easily link to a group or document in your database.

To create a static link select any string and Control-click. From the contextual options select Link to, and you will be allowed to link to any group or document in your database.

To create a Wiki link enable automatic Wiki linking in DT Pro Preferences > editing. Type the name of the group or document to which you wish to link (requires that this be a unique name). Alternatively, type the alias name of the group or document you wish to link to. (Read about Wiki links and aliases in Help > DEVONthink Pro Help, or in the user documentation, or in the Tutorial database.)

I usually prefer static links, as I can link from any string and don’t have to worry whether the group or document has a unique name.

I’m almost there, Bill…

… I have an RTF document as my morning checklist. And one of the items is I’d like to check is an internal link that opens a new window to the “Waiting for” group (and yes, that’s a unique name), I’d like DT to pop open a new window and list the documents within the “Waiting for” group (which also has a checklist).

The “Link to” seems to only link to documents (not groups) and doesn’t pop open a new window.

Can you help me with that?


Set DT Pro’s Preferences > General - Interface by checking “Always open group in a new window” if it’s not already checked.

Set your top-level view of your database to the Three-Panes view.

Open your RTF document in it’s own window (select it in the Names pane and double-click it).

Type some text and establish a link. Example: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. I selected “good” and control-clicked, then selected the option Link to. I navigated to a group named “Dilbert”.

Now “good” is underlined as a hyperlink. When I click on it, I’m instantly taken to the Dilbert group in my top-level view window, and the contents of the Dilbert group are displayed.

Or I could use a Wiki link. Select DT Pro Preferences > Editing and check the option for automatic Wiki links.

Now in your RTF document type “Dilbert”. Press Command-S to save the document. Now you’ve got a Wiki link to the Dilbert group. Click on it and you will see the top-level view, with the Dilbert group selected and its contents displayed.

Does that work for you?