Convert 200 page typed paper transcript into editable doc?

[I’ve edited this post for clarity. I just found the Export as Word Document export option in DTPO. I actually have used the feature before but had forgotten about it. ]

Greetings, everyone. I’ve relied on DTPO for many years but am now trying to help a friend. She has a two hundred page typed manuscript that she wants to convert into an editable (Microsoft Word) document that she can edit and reformat, etc. I’ve done some searching here through the blog and forums and read some helpful bits…

I’ll leave this question…

We’re running perhaps 20 pages at a time through the ScanSnap S1500. When bringing in a large document of 200 pages is practical, manageable, and desirable to have subsequent scans compile into the same document in DTPO? Or would it be better to break this long document into sections and multiple documents?

Many thanks!

PDFPenpro is the right tool. The latest and previous versions can both convert PDFs to word. Acrobat Pro can do this conversion as well.

Either combine them in PDFPenpro or use the ‘merge’ command in Devonthink.


Thank you, Frederiko. :smiley:


As a test, I’ve had good luck scanning ten pages into DTPO and exporting as a Word File. I’ve also had good luck merging two ten page DTPO files into one 20 page file.

Regarding scaling up to my full two hundred page manuscript… will I be able to successfully merge a group of ten 20 page DTPO files into one 200 page DTPO file? Is the merged order the same as the Sort Order (Date Created)-- in other words will my 200 pages end up in the proper order?

And this two hundred page DTPO file will be able to be exported into a single Word file?

Thanks for any input from someone who’s been around this block before- thank you! :slight_smile:

The Merge is controlled by the current Sort order, whatever it is. It’s essentially a top down procedure, so if you’re sorting File_01 through File_05, and File_01 is on top, that will be the first section.

We have no data on the conversion but it’s easily tested with comparable PDFs.