Thank you, Patrick, for fixing the regression – and Tyler for pointing it out. This has always been a very valuable script since Rob originally posted it.
For anyone using “convert” in other scripts, and who needs to fix the regression in 10.8.x, I’d point out the changes Patrick made:
Changed the path to “convert”
property pstrConvert : "/System/Library/Printers/Libraries/convert -f "
to the path to “cupsfilter”
property pstrConvert : "/usr/sbin/cupsfilter "
and changed this syntax from
do shell script pstrConvert & quoted form of strRTFPath & " -o " & quoted form of strPDFPath
to this syntax
do shell script pstrConvert & quoted form of strRTFPath & " > " & quoted form of strPDFPath
The important change in the later pair is the revision of cupsfilter’s parameters from " -o " to " > "
Before using this change on 10.8.x, you might need to check permissions on /usr/sbin/cupsfilter
EDIT: See also Patrick’s note immediately following this one