Converting Grids to Sheets


I apologize in advance for my brain cramp which is preventing me from using proper Mac terminology.

Within DTPO there is the browse/grid/matrix which lists metadata. I wish to, somehow, take the browse table and convert it to a sheet so that I may manage its print output far better than I am simply selecting a number of items and hitting ‘Print’.


Maybe if you posted a screen shot of the “browse table” others could visualize what you are trying to do.

I think Dave maybe after the ‘Scripts > Export > Export Metadata as CSV’ script or your script here Korm [url]Export to Aeon Timeline] which is more comprehensive and which I use all the time.



Yes, the Export to CSV seems to give me what I want which is the data displayed in the table that has focus. The Timeline script is great too because I believe I’ll be able to modify it to support other apps.

thanks much.
