Couple of suggestions...

First off, the program is great. Just a couple of quick suggestions…

My main issue, an what tends to slow me down in both DevonThink and many other Mac applications is the rather… distant approach to basic text editing. You have to go through menus or open windows to do simple things like change the font size or center the text. Now, obviously, for a lot of this there are buttons but I generally use the UI. It’d be great to have a Word like panel with just basics like Font, Font Size, Bold/Underline/etc, alignment and one big thing…

Hyperlinks. Making hyperlinks to a website is a pain (as far as I know this is only available through the info window). A button or context option would be amazing here.

At any rate, this is an amazing product! I just wish I could take notes IN it a bit more efficiently!

  1. Just show the ruler (via Format > Show Ruler) and most of the requested possibilities will be available then.

  2. The easiest way to create bookmarks is to drag & drop links from other applications to DEVONthink. Another way is to create a new link, then enter the web address as the name (e.g. and this will be automatically used as the URL. Finally, you could also add the URL column in list or split views (via View > Columns > URL) and enter/modify the URL of the bookmark via this column.

Thanks! I’ve never been so happy to feel so stupid!

I had no idea the ruler would contain that information as well. Thanks again, you just made my experience about 10x better!