DA and fullscreen in Lion


Clicking the fullscreen button in the 3.0 release of DA doesn’t work as expected. DA does go fullscreen but not in a new space like other apps, it takes over the main screen hiding the Finder. You can’t get the menu back by moving the mouse to the top of the screen which means that you can’t return from fullscreen mode either.

If you use Mission Control’s overview then click on the first screen then DA returns with the Finder’s menubar, not its own. Clicking on DA’s window will hide the Finder menubar but not give you access to DA’s menubar.

The only way to return back to normal is to type Command-Q to quit DA.


The full screen view in DA Pro is, like the full screen view that’s been around for a good while in the DEVONthink applications, not the Lion full screen mode. (Christian has noted that will probably be implemented down the line.)

If you enter full screen by clicking on that little button, you can press the Esc key to return to normal view.

Or toggle full screen on/off by pressing Command-F7.