Database 'Inbox.dtBase2' seems to be already in use!

I get this error a lot. I also shut down my computer every night-- which should send Devonthink a quit signal. Is there a possibility that Devonthink is aborted prematurely by the macos shutdown process?

Using Big Sur, M1 mac.

Clearly, macOS didn’t gave enough time DT to close. In my experience it takes a lot to close, at least with my 15 big databases.

Perhaps you want to manually close before switch off. I restart all my macs once a week, and before do it, I manually close all apps. For example, sometimes Mail takes two or three minutes to close.

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It’s always a better idea to explictly quit DEVONthink (and other apps) before shutting down a machine.

When you quit DEVONthink it will finish any active syncs.
You can quit it a second time to interrupt the process and quit.

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OK. I’ll try some of these things. I examiined my Sync options; indeed Synchronize on Quit or Deactivation was checked.