Database object from name in Applescript

Is there an easy way to get the database object (for lookup record in operations) from the name of a database in Applescript?

At the moment I’m doing something like this:

set targetDBname to "General"
tell application id "DNtp"
	set allDatabases to every database
        repeat with thisDatabase in allDatabases
            if name of thisDatabase is targetDBname then
                set targetDB to thisDatabase 
        -- Now comes what I really want to do:
        lookup records with URL "tadata" in targetDB

But can I find the object via a straight function call without looping?

E.g. like this:

tell application id "DNtp" to return database "Test"
tell application id "DNtp" to return database named "Test"

Both examples return the same result.

That’s easy! Great. Thanks.