Deep Linking Hook

Sorry- wrong link

This should work with no registration

Thanks you. I think I need the help from @LucB Any ideas Sir? Thanks in advance

This was the exact reason why I was hesitant to switch to JXA at first - and it still might happen, but so far my experience has mainly pointed out bugs which seem to be fixable if the developer wants to (thanks @cgrunenberg)

@chrillek listed a few of those. My gripe indeed is that Library support in JXA is poorly implemented (e.g. a Library only exports individual functions, not objects). This means having to resort to ā€˜hacksā€™ like: Loading other javascript modules? Ā· Issue #1 Ā· JXA-Cookbook/JXA-Cookbook Ā· GitHub (which works and is OK for me).

Iā€™ve often thought what @chrillek was on about when referencing JXA in comparison to AS on this forum. But Iā€™ve completely rewritten 3 of my main scripts from AS and JXA recently and the scripts have become better to read, less error-prone and (much!) more flexible. So although JXA might still pose problems, Iā€™m happy that Iā€™ve switched.

Also, recently Iā€™ve added some iOS specific interactions using Scriptable which is also JS-based and it does help that all my other scripting now is in JS too.

Iā€™d never heard of Obj-C blocks before now, but reading from e.g. Objective-C Blocks it seems theyā€™re basically the same as lambda function in other languages (like Python, which I understand a bit). @chrillek would ObjC-block be helpful, considering you could also bring ObjC into JXA and use anonymous functions there? Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing something as I havenā€™t been needing something like ObjC-blocks, but just wondering.

I think being able to keep things as lightweight as possible in things that I use often like Smart Rules using something like Node seems like a heavy-weight solution.

my experience has mainly pointed out bugs which seem to be fixable if the developer wants to

You are referring to a limited range of experience. I generally would not anticipate specific JXA fixes.

Dear @cgrunenberg and @LucB,
There is one issue with this script. Hook canā€™t get the link from a folder in DT (for PDF file and video file, it works well). Any idea for this issue?

Iā€™m not seeing any issue with getting the reference URL from a group in DEVONthink. However, I also just rewrote the Get Name and Get Address scriptsā€¦

Get Address
tell application id "DNtp"
	if exists content record then
		-- A content record is also a property of the application
		-- Content record applies to all think windows
		-- If a document window is open, there IS a content record
		-- A viewer window requires the view/edit pane to be visible to have a content record
		return reference URL of content record
	end if
	if class of think window 1 is equal to viewer window then
		if selection of think window 1 ā‰  {} then
			set sel to (selected record 1) -- Get only the first selected record
			return reference URL of sel
			-- The group selected in the Navigate sidebar is the root of the window
			return reference URL of root of think window 1
		end if
	end if
end tell
Get Name
tell application id "DNtp"
	if exists content record then
		-- A content record is also a property of the application
		-- Content record applies to all think windows
		-- If a document window is open, there IS a content record
		-- A viewer window requires the view/edit pane to be visible to have a content record
		return name of content record
	end if
	if class of think window 1 is equal to viewer window then
		if selection of think window 1 ā‰  {} then
			set sel to (selected record 1) -- Get only the first selected record
			return name of sel
			-- The group selected in the Navigate sidebar is the root of the window
			return name of root of think window 1
		end if
	end if
end tell

Does that work for you?


Thanks but it is actually not what I wanted. Your new scripts are somehow similar with the default scripts in Hook which means I can retrieve the group or file markdown link (clickable URL) but without deeper parameters in it.

However, what I wanted, also the topic of this discussion here, is that I can retrieve the page link from the PDF file or the frame link from the video file. In addition, the name can be changed accordingly by adding the page number or frame offset time such as [DT Help page 3](x-devonthink-item://<uuid>page=3), something like this.

For group, since there is no parameter of page or frame, just remain like [DT folder](x-devonthink-item://<uuid>).

You can refer to the scripts that @cgrunenberg wrote below.

As to blocks: there are some objc frameworks where theyā€™re needed as kind of callback functions. And I was not able to figure out how to do that in JXA. Anonymous functions donā€™t work.

The rest (Scriptable, nose) is too off-topic here.

Thatā€™s indeed true Jim. So far most JXA issues Iā€™ve encountered come down to bugs, rather than inherent problems with JXA.

Thatā€™s quite different to my experience - so far most ā€œfixesā€ for JXA were just workarounds as it was actually a shortcoming/bug of JXA. E.g. like this one:

DEVONthink will handle this but shouldnā€™t have to.

I see - weā€™re talking about the same thing here, from my perspective it seems like a bug, but as a developer from your perspective I now understand they are JXA bugs. Too bad the JXA implementation seems so brittle :frowning:

You mean that DT is actually fixing a JXA shortcoming by use of a workaround?


I did read the manual and support documents but I cannot find a way to link specific Markdown sections or rich text paragraphs. Is there an explanation or link you can point me to so I can create a ā€œdeepā€ link to a specific section of a document? Thank you!

Thatā€™s e.g. possible via the contextual menu in the text editor or via the Table of Contents inspector too.

Thank you!

Dear Sheng, I found [johnsidi]'s ( @ hook forum) script worked well for me to get URLs for a specific PDF page using hook. Maybe it will work for you.

tell application id "DNtp"
	if exists (content record of window 1) then
		-- current open item
		if type of (content record of window 1) is PDF document then
			set RecordLink to the reference URL of (content record of window 1)
			set PDFpage to current page of window 1
			set DEVONthinkLink to RecordLink & "?page=" & PDFpage
			return DEVONthinkLink
			return reference URL of (content record of window 1)
		end if
	end if
	if class of window 1 is in {viewer window, search window} then
		set selected_items to selection of window 1
		if (count of selected_items) = 1 then
			if type of item 1 in selected_items is PDF document then
				-- current selected item
				set RecordLink to the reference URL of item 1 in selected_items
				set PDFpage to current page of viewer window 1
				set DEVONthinkLink to RecordLink & "?page=" & PDFpage
				return DEVONthinkLink
				return reference URL of item 1 in selected_items
			end if
		end if
	end if
	-- selected group
	return reference URL of root of window 1
end tell

Thanks @oriexm
Scripts @cgrunenberg provided above could already get the PDF page through Hook.

The new browser Arc has a ā€œcopy to highlightā€ feature which works pretty good. Is this maybe a good option for DT, too?

In Arc it generates your post as:

(main address)/t/deep-linking-hook/69403/10#:~:text=You%20can%20actually%20create%20links%20in%20DEVONthink%20to%20e.g.%20PDF%20pages%2C%20Markdown%20sections%2C%20rich%20text%20paragraphs%20or%20to%20a%20video%20frame."

It seems like a search query so it should work only for longer highlights and not for example one word. But its good enough I think.

Item links support already ?search=text queries, a script could be used to generate them for the currently selected text.

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Thatā€™s nice. The only problem is that I donā€™t have any scripting skills. Sadly, Iā€™m one of those who can only rely on other knowledgeable people.

Does somebody know how to do this? That would be really nice.

@LucB ?