Delete custom metadata fields

Thanks Jim

I can do that. BTW what would be the format for an empty item-link?

It’s my own fault … I missed the fact that custom metadata was global and couldn’t be removed just like tags so I created a bit of a mess in my test database that has polluted far and wide.

If there is away to simply remove all custom metadata, then I would be ok with that since I have a script to generate the custom meta data that I am planning on using moving forward.

Interestingly if I run the script against an RTF formatted custom meta data field, then the text disappears from the custom info panel, but a large chunk of RTF data remains in the custom meta data record.

Alternatively, if I manually delete the RTF text from the info panel then it is removed from the info panel but - more interestingly - also completely removed from the custom meta data record. When I go to check the meta data after removing it in this way from the panel, then I get a missing value.

Not specific to RTF. If I manually remove a link from the info panel by setting it to “No Item” then the custom data changes to << empty >>. In other words manually removing custom meta data from the UI actually removes the key/value pair from the record, it does not just set the value to a 0/null/"" value, the key is gone (for that record).

This is what I’m seeing when running it, including Rich Text and Link datatypes…

As I said, @cgrunenberg would have to weigh in on this .

There’s no remove custom meta data for thisAttribute from theRecord command (but perhaps there could be?)

Thanks again Jim.

I think a “remove” custom meta data command would be extremely useful. Perhaps even with the ability to not only specify a single (known) attribute, but all of them in one go. Just while we are dreaming …

Back to your log - I’m curious what you see if you do a
get custom meta data for “Rich Text” from content id …

after setting the meta data to “”

I am also getting a true return value, but there is custom styling info left behind in my case.

Back to your log - I’m curious what you see if you do a
get custom meta data for “Rich Text” from content id …

after setting the meta data to “”

same here - thanks!

Interestingly, there is some vestigial RTF data with my method, as you’ve seen.



For anyone else running into this issue I would note the following temporary workaround for removing this “orphaned” RTF data and the custom meta data field from a record.

  1. manually add any text via the info panel to the RTF custom meta data field
  2. then manually remove that data, again from the info panel

The result (for me) is that the (key/value) pair for this custom meta data field are completely removed from that record.

In my case, I have identified the records that need to be “repaired” via a script and can now do that manually using this method.

I still like the idea of programmatically being able to remove custom meta data @cgrunenberg :wink:

This is actually possible but not in case of rich text due to limitations of AppleScript.

With the scripting addition List & Record Tools (from one of the Script Debugger developers) it’s possible to delete items in an AppleScript record. Setting a record’s metadata to this changed AppleScript record works (didn’t test with rich text, but it should work too, I think).

My idea now is to delete unwanted metadata from all records in all databases in order to completely remove it from DEVONthink. Would this be sufficient? Is metadata automatically removed from CustomMetaData.plist if there’s no single record that uses it anymore? I really want to get completely rid of it.

At least as long as there’s no rich text custom metadata it should be sufficient.

No, the definitions won’t change.


Here are the scripts I used.

The first is an utility script that copies meta data identifiers from DEVONthink’s plist.

Script: Copy Custom Meta Data Identifiers from plist
-- Copy Custom Meta Data Identifiers from plist

property sortIdentifiers : true
property thePlistPath : POSIX path of (path to application support from user domain) & "DEVONthink 3/CustomMetaData.plist"

tell application "System Events"
		set theIdentifieres to {}
		tell property list file thePlistPath
			repeat with thisItem in property list items
				set thisItem_Value to value of thisItem
				set thisIdentifier to identifier of thisItem_Value
				set end of theIdentifieres to thisIdentifier
			end repeat
		end tell
		if sortIdentifiers = true then set theIdentifieres to my sort_list(theIdentifieres)
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

tell application id "DNtp"
		set chooseFromListItems to theIdentifieres
		set theChoice to choose from list chooseFromListItems with prompt "Copy Identifier" default items (item 1 of chooseFromListItems) with title "Custom Meta Data"
		if theChoice is false then return
		set the clipboard to (item 1 of theChoice) as string
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

on sort_list(theList)
	considering numeric strings
		set theIndexList to {}
		set theSortedList to {}
		repeat (length of theList) times
			set theLowItem to ""
			repeat with a from 1 to (length of theList)
				if a is not in theIndexList then
					set theCurrentItem to item a of theList as text
					if theLowItem is "" then
						set theLowItem to theCurrentItem
						set theLowItemIndex to a
					else if theCurrentItem comes before theLowItem then
						set theLowItem to theCurrentItem
						set theLowItemIndex to a
					end if
				end if
			end repeat
			set end of theSortedList to theLowItem
			set end of theIndexList to theLowItemIndex
		end repeat
	end considering
	return theSortedList
end sort_list

The following scripts need the scripting addition List & Record Tools. Put it in /Users/Username/Library/ScriptingAdditions/ (create it if necessary).

The second writes meta data identifiers of selected records to a text file on desktop.

Script: Write Custom Meta Data Identifiers to file
-- Write Custom Meta Data Identifiers to file

use scripting additions

property theFilePath : (POSIX path of (path to desktop) & "Metadata Identifiers.txt") as string

tell application id "DNtp"
		set theRecords to selection of viewer window 1 as list
		if theRecords = {} then error "Select some records"
		set writeToFile to my write_To_File(("" & linefeed) as string, theFilePath, true)
		show progress indicator "Writing Metadata Identifiers... " steps (count theRecords) as string with cancel button
		repeat with thisRecord in theRecords
			step progress indicator (name of thisRecord) as string
			set thisMetadata to custom meta data of thisRecord
				set theRecordPropertyNames to my getPropertyNames(thisMetadata)
				repeat with thisName in theRecordPropertyNames
					set writeToFile to my write_To_File((thisName & linefeed) as string, theFilePath, true)
				end repeat
			end try
		end repeat
		hide progress indicator
	on error error_message number error_number
		hide progress indicator
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

on getPropertyNames(theMetadata)
	set theRecordPropertyNames to get user property names theMetadata
end getPropertyNames

on write_To_File(this_data, target_file, append_data)
		set the target_file to the target_file as text
		set the open_target_file to ¬
			open for access POSIX file target_file with write permission
		if append_data is false then ¬
			set eof of the open_target_file to 0
		write this_data as «class utf8» to the open_target_file starting at eof
		close access the open_target_file
		return true
	on error
			close access POSIX file target_file
		end try
		return false
	end try
end write_To_File

Identifiers are not deduplicated as this can be done in a text editor, e.g. BBEdit Text > Process Duplicate Lines.

Finally the main script that deletes given Custom Meta Data from selected records.

There’s a dialog that should prevent accidents, its default button is set to Cancel. Change this or uncomment the whole dialog if you like.

-- Delete Custom Meta Data 

use scripting additions

property deleteMetadataNames : {"mdtest1", "mdtest2"} -- set your Meta Data Identifiers here

tell application id "DNtp"
		set theRecords to selection of viewer window 1 as list
		if theRecords = {} then error "Select some records"
		set theButtons to {"Cancel", "Delete"}
		set theButton to button returned of (display alert "Delete this Metadata from selected records?" buttons {item 1, item 2} of theButtons default button 1 message my tid(deleteMetadataNames, linefeed) as critical)
		if theButton = item 1 of theButtons then return
		show progress indicator "Deleting given Metadata... " steps (count theRecords) as string with cancel button
		repeat with thisRecord in theRecords
			step progress indicator (name of thisRecord) as string
			set thisMetadata to custom meta data of thisRecord
				set newMetadata to thisMetadata
				set thePropertyNames to my getPropertyNames(thisMetadata)
				repeat with thisPropertyName in thePropertyNames
					if (thisPropertyName as string) is in deleteMetadataNames then set newMetadata to my deleteUserProperty(thisPropertyName as string, newMetadata)
				end repeat
				if newMetadata ≠ thisMetadata then set custom meta data of thisRecord to newMetadata
			end try
		end repeat
		hide progress indicator
	on error error_message number error_number
		hide progress indicator
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

on tid(theList, theDelimiter)
	set d to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
	set theList to theList as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
	return theList
end tid

on getPropertyNames(theMetadata)
	set thePropertyNames to get user property names theMetadata
end getPropertyNames

on deleteUserProperty(thePropertyName, theMetadata)
	set theMetadata_new to delete user property thePropertyName in theMetadata
end deleteUserProperty


Would these scripts presumably still work with Big Sur? I don’t know code and was wondering if @pete31 (or someone) could perhaps walk me through these steps due to a hangup I’m experiencing. My workflow:

  1. Installed “List and Record Tools” per developer’s instructions
  2. Open a new AppleScript window. So as not to confuse the first script from the second, I named the first one Part-1 before I pasted-in Pete’s first script. Running it gives me this:

Encouraging! So let’s say I now choose/select “mdoclc” (third from bottom in my list) because I know for certain I have roughly 10 records in my entire database in which I assigned, manually, some alphanumeric (single-line) text in this custom metadata field. I then click OK. But now what? (I have been able to ascertain, by clicking OK, I get mdoclc and nothing more/less in my clipboard. Is that all the first script is supposed to do?)

The problem I’m having, is what I’m supposed to do next. i.e. I don’t understand what this means:

Identifiers are not deduplicated as this can be done in a text editor, e.g. BBEdit Text > Process Duplicate Lines.

Perhaps normal behavior; when I paste your second script into a new AppleScript window and click the little hammer icon, I get an error:

My goal is just to see all instances of my custom metadata field called OCLC before I vaporize it once and for all. I presume your second script is supposed to get me there, but I can’t determine what I’m doing wrong. Any guidance would be great. Thanks!

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First off, let’s name scripts:

  • Script 1: Copy Identifier (Copy Custom Meta Data Identifiers from plist)
  • Script 2: Main script (Delete Custom Meta Data )
  • Script 3: Verify main script’s result (Write Custom Meta Data Identifiers to file)

The text in brackets is the name of each script as in it’s first line.

This is not the order in which I posted them here.

No idea, still on Mojave.

Yes, it only copies one meta data’s identifier on each run. Paste each meta data you want to delete in the main script’s property deleteMetadataNames.

This is referring to script 3, the one that verifies the main script’s result. It outputs a text file with all meta data identifiers that are used in the selected records.

“Not deduplicated” simply means you’ll get a full list of every selected record’s meta data identifiers - instead of a deduplicated list. I did a lot of testing before I used the scripts and for that it was better to get a full list.

If you want to see whether the meta data was successfully removed you have to deduplicate it somewhere, e.g. in BBEdit. That’s of course not necessary; you could check the full list manually and watch out whether one of the meta data you removed wasn’t removed. After all you could simply forget about script 3 - I wrote it for testing purposes, it’s not necessary at all.

However you could of course use it to get a full list before you use script 2 to see what meta data is currently used.

I can compile it in Script Editor. Please make the whole script visible in Script Editor, try to compile again and post a capture of the window.

Somehow I completely missed the obvious:
property deleteMetadataNames : {"mdtest1", "mdtest2"} -- set your Meta Data Identifiers here

I should be good to go but want to ask again about the query question from my OP yesterday. Your comment was of course probing if I wished to permanently delete both the metadata itself and the custom labels (custom metadata) I made, in DT3. Indeed the answer remains yes to both, but I want to first examine all the files in my database in which I actually entered something in a those (single-line text custom metadata) fields I’m planning to delete for good. My intent is to then select-all and replicate those files to a temporary Group that I will name the same as the metadata field (and meta-data) I’m going to vaporize for good. Can this be accomplished first somehow?

Thanks again for being so helpful explaining this to me @pete31! …and for the script!

No problem over here. If you need help just ask. However I would suggest to keep the two threads separated to avoid confusing other users.

I think you’re complicating things a bit, in the end it’s quite simple:

  • Copy a meta data identifier you want to remove

  • In the main script: Paste in property deleteMetadataNames

  • Repeat until everything is set

  • Run the main script.

That’s it.

You could verify the main script’s result by running script 3 but that’s not necessary. You’re in the lucky position that I wrote, tested and ran the scripts on real data. They should work just fine for you too.


This Script: Remove some custom meta data should work.