DEVONagent Express only included in Pro?

Hello, I bought DEVONthink 3 server, but I noticed that DEVONagent Express is not included in server. Is DEVONagent Express only available in Pro version?

DEVONagent Express is in DEVONagent Pro, not DEVONthink. It’s also available as a standalone application.


Well I can understand this confusion here, as I’ve experienced it myself when reading the product pages on your website.

Maybe you could consider (re)writing your product’s names in capitals, not your company. So DevonTHINK, DevonAGENT, etc. But of course it’s all up to you :wink: just some feedback on this one.

Best regards,

Welcome @maikr

Thanks for the suggestion. It’s less trivial than you may think but the suggestion is noted.


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That hurts both my eyes and my brain. Just my two neurones, of course.