DevonAgent - Setting Default Mode for Search Sets

I have been testing the “Add All Links to Set” feature from the contextual menu and need to have the “Mode” set to “Search” rather than “Crawl”. Is this possible? :confused:

No. From all your posts, it seems like you need to assess your current workflow. If this is a one-off Search Set, you’ll have to bite the bullet and do this stuff manually. If you intend to build similar Search Sets like this one, you probably want to reconsider the current process.

Thanks I will play around with the Crawl and Search functions. I take it the Crawl is the best typical scenario as its been set as default?

“Search” mode uses the results returned by Google/Bing. Depending on the website the results might be incomplete or outdated. But it’s of course a lot faster.

Thanks. So I should probably use “Crawl” when looking for specific data within websites I have have inputted the URLs as Search Sets and Search when looking for websites containing the specific data. Every days a school day :blush: