DEVONThink Pro 2.5.1 - SCANNING does not work properly


I am a new user of Devonthink Pro and would like to use the scan feature properly.

I do have two major problems:

  • 1st problem, I can scan a single page w/o OCR (PDF) and everything is fine.
    OCR on, I got a message “scan under progress, and please wait until the process has been finalized” (translation from german)

  • 2nd problem, I scan multiple pages w/o OCR (PDF) and same message as with the 1st problem comes up. With OCR switched on same problem as with issue 1.

Both problems nothing happens at all. I do use a MacBook Pro 13"/i7/ OS 10.8.3 and a HP C4680 Scanner.

Has someone an idea how to fix it ?



For DEVONthink Pro ensure that you turn off OCR before sending the scan or document to DEVONthink as only DEVONthink Pro Office has the OCR functionality. The OCR settings for each scan/document can be found in the properties section. The current version mistakenly has the OCR defaulting to on instead of off for each scan, this will be fixed in the next update.