Difficult to read links in Dark mode

Version 2 didn’t support dark mode at all but we’ll consider this for future releases.

I am not sure we understood each other. My question is whether I can bring back the light mode in DevonThink Pro 3 office?

And that’s not possible but noted.

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Yes please. As I’ve been exploring the newly downloaded DTPO 3, I find many of my rtf files impossible to read because of the original text format from DTPO 2 I chose. Regards.

I apologize for asking you more questions but the transition to DTPO 3 from version 2 is not as smooth as I expected. The suggested DevonThink link for upgrade contains quite limited amount of information. For instance, not that it was unusual but still I had to figure out on my own that by deleting version 2 all of my favorite text styles were gone so I had to redo them. I see that under DTPO 3 “preferences” under “editing”, I have an option to change Background color of the “Plain Text Font”, “Rich Text & Note Font”, and “Full Screen”. However, once I do that nothing changes. The main reason for this is to make my RTF files readable as they used to be in the DTPO 2 version: in another words, I just need to make my RTF default background color as “white”. Regards.

The default rich text font is used only for new fonts. Do you use dark mode?

Hi, I am not sure if I understood your reply properly so I’m just going to be a bit more elaborative: I followed the “upgrading guide” and after I installed DTPO 3, I uninstalled DTPO 2 application as well as under ~/Library/Application Support/. After I opened my databases via DTPO 3, the whole DTPO app including my RTF files have been in dark mode. I have played around to bring back the light mode (at least in my rtf files to setup white color as the background one) but without success.

The system setting should be used - either dark or light mode. Version 2 didn’t support dark mode and was always in light mode.

What “system settings”? For the whole computer? If so, can I keep the dark mode in Mojave OS X while having DevonThink app using light mode as a default version as it was the case in the version 2? Just to see how it would look like, I changed the Mojave OS X to “light mode” and it did change my DTPO 3 into light mode as well although the look is not as good as it was in in the version 2 (maybe because my habit of viewing the old version changes slowly…). In any case, I would really love to preserve the dark mode under Mojave OS X system settings while having DTPO 3 version having the light mode. Or if anything, to have default background default color form my rich text files as white (as I said earlier, I tried to change the background color of my rich text files under DTPO preferences - editing tab but without success). Regards.

This isn’t possible currently but we’ll consider this for future releases.

I hope you’ll do so as I have plenty of important rtf files that are very hard to discern now…
Update: Ok, I was able to change the color of plain background files as white, under the DTPO preferences - editing tab. However, I do not see the same option for the rich text files and they still have the black background. Any help here? Again, this is very important since I have many important rtf files that are hard to discern with dark background color.

No, the only possibility is to switch the complete system to light mode.

There is a small app, called NightOwl. It helps to switch the mode for single programs. Not perfect but works in most cases


I’m with Mio on this. I would love to see some controls for adjusting the color scheme to something a little less dark. As an example, I use Affinity Publisher which allows me to alter the working background to any particular shade I want. Something along similar lines would be my ideal as I’m simply not a great fan of absolute black background with white text.
If it’s not being addressed in any updates, might I request that some sort of color control be added? Changing the whole computer’s set up to change one app is a bit clunky…

What exactly is too dark in your mind?

Surely this:

Couldn’t resist. :laughing:


I’m sorry I can’t see anything now! It’s all gone dark! :open_mouth:

Just type
defaults write com.devon-technologies.think3 NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes

In terminal


This has been very frustrating for me, too. When the system (Mojave) is in dark mode, There are also many emails that are unreadable. I can read them in Mail, but it looks l ike they are missing almost all text when they are imported to DT 3. I wonder if there could be a way to ‘tweak’ the way DT 3 displays such documents so they are legible in dark mode, as they are in Mail?

Do you use the default or alternate email view (see Preferences > Email)? Could you please forward some zipped example files to cgrunenberg - at - devon-technologies.com? Thanks.